I get offended to say the least when people use God's name in their conversations even when it is clear that they live their lives quite opposite to what he says. People just don't get it. You cant be dressing half naked, acting sex scenes, selling porn and nudity, breaking up other peoples marriages and then say you are going to heaven because you believe in God. Someone even said the only requirement for entering heaven is believing in Jesus. Please don't be deceived and stop spreading lies and deceiving other people as well. Believing in God must go together with repenting of your sins. And no you can't just do some things and be a christian at the same time. Christianity is not organized religion, you don't get to make your own rules. For the sake of little children watching and listening to entertainment, God is not immoral and doesn't accept the lifestyle of many entertainers. Whatever is not godly is not acceptable to him and many of the people who...
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