It is no longer news that North Korea has conducted series of successful nuclear test, threatening the peace of mankind. There is a prediction in some quarters that if the actions of the North Korean leader is not checked by the global community that it may eventually lead to a Third World War. During and after the Cold War there were series of moves by the nuclear powers to destroy and stop the production of nuclear weapons, but all to no avail. In fact during the Cold War we had the SALT 1 and SALT II and later the IAEA was formed to control the productions of nuclear weapons by nation state, however the activity was thwarted by the so called powerful states in a bid to maintain their hegemony. International politics is not played on the basis of morality or fair play, at its best , it is the survival of the fittest, this is the reason why all the five permanent members of security council have nuclear weapons and the counties that are respected are the ones with nuclear weap...