I have been quiet since the end sars movement started. Not because I didn’t want to speak but because I was hoping for it to culminate into something tangible and bring about the positive change that a lot of Nigerians desired.
I remember having a conversation about it with someone and I prayed that it would not spiral out of control. I wanted a positive change but I wasn’t prepared for the cost of laying down lives because I sensed that it was going to get to that should the protesters expand their agitation to good governance. The powers that be would not surrender without a fight and they have the resources of the government on their side. They would claim that the protesters wanted to topple a “democratically elected” president. And that would make it illegal. And what is democratic about a president who has refused to listen to the cries of the people?In their short memory however, they have forgotten that this same president came into power for the first time in 1985 after a coup which toppled a then democratically elected government.
I am happy however that we the youths have made a statement. I strongly believe that the protests sent shivers down the spines of those who think Nigeria is their private property. I believe that wherever they are right now, they are planning their next move. The country has woken up. You cannot put a wool over our eyes anymore. We are demanding for what is right. I do believe the promised land is not far away anymore.
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