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The word Mbaise comes from two Igbo words, “Mba” and “ise” which literally mean five towns or five kingdoms as the case maybe. Before 1941 the name Mbaise was not in existence. it was just around the 1940’s that the five towns of  Agbaja, Ahiara, Ekwereazu, Ezi-na-ihite and Oke ovoro came together to form the Mbaise union. The unity that came with the amalgamation of these five kingdoms frightened their neighbours; hence they were subsequently labeled as bad people. This notion passed from one generation to another.

 Mbaise is a great nation from the true sense of the word, which is why her sons and daughters are visible in the socio-political landscape of Nigeria. It is wrong to label an entire clan with a predetermined set of behaviour; that will amount to a fallacy of hasty generation.

Mbaise sons and daughters are hardworking people. Mbaise is one of the fastest growing towns in Nigeria. The presence of the Banking sector is pointer to the industrial genius of the people. As at today there is no Bank in Nigeria that does not have a branch in Mbasie.

The people are peace loving people, the testimony of visitors attest to this fact. The NYSC members, (who are usually brainwashed in camp) complete their service year in the Mbaise with a different attitude.  There is no kidnapping, no arm robbery or the presence of baby factory in Mbaise. These are pointers to the fact that the people are good people.

Good things come out from Mbaise. There is a growing notion among the Igbo people that if you want a hardworking and a faithful wife that you should go for an Mbaise woman. Mbasie has one of the highest concentrations of Catholic Priests in the world, they also boasts of legions of Doctors, Lawyers, Public Administrators , Educators, Artists, Engineers , Scientists and Entrepreneurs.  From transportation where Frank Nnaji (ABC TRANSPORT) is doing great things to Nollywood where Genevieve Nnaji, Kanayo O Kanayo, Rita Dominic etc show real talents, Mbaise sons and daughters are special breeds. Good things are still coming from Nazareth



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