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I saw recently a post on one of my favourite blogs, an honest question by a group of concerned and perplexed good girls asking why eligible bachelors are getting married to bad girls or retired "runs" girls. The question was addressed to a popular relationship blogger and he attempted to supply the answer but in my own opinion did not do a good job of doing so. So here is my own attempt and advice to these girls:

World over, strange things are happening, didn't begin now but has recently become more frequent. There is a total loss of values and what was once being frowned upon is now generally accepted. The world seems to have shifted from its center and its now totally upside down and the good old values we were brought up with is now being rejected and discarded and what is accepted today are things that were before termed abominable. In simple terms, good is now bad and bad is now good.

Don't fret however, this group of eligible bachelors marrying these women are men who lack values. They do not respect such values and of course do not implement them in their lives. Do you honestly want to be married to someone who does not share your values of right and wrong and does not not have the same lifestyle simply because he has money and is in the spotlight?  Every good girls' dream is to be married to a prince charming, but what if prince charming is morally deficient and does not value what you value? Would it still make sense to be married to such a person because of money or position? Money is not everything at every time; ask the late Princess Diana of Wales. The character of the person you want to spend the rest of your life should come before his pocket.

Finally there are many good men with old fashioned values who still value good girls. They may not be popular or in the public eye but that is your challenge. Ask God to open your eyes to know when such men come your way. And please do not envy these girls marrying those men. All that glitters is not gold. Ask Janet Jackson who was being called a bitch for the length of time that she was married. Ask Tonto Dikeh as well and many of them I cannot mention now. And they will come out pretending to be in love. There is a difference between love, lust and foolishness. Ask God to give you a man who knows the difference whether he be popular or not.


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