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Happy new year friends and welcome to a blissful year. I hope the year has been beautiful for you thus far. It's an election year like we already know and the presidential debate just went down last night.
My take: Isn't it appalling that the president of a country seeking re-election was absent from this debate for flimsy reasons not that I think that he would have had anything to say at the debate because his performance given the time he had was below par. Obviously he ran away because it is obvious that he wouldn't have been able to stand the brain power of the three candidates who participated in the debate. Maybe he thinks he is bigger than the country and that without lifting a finger, he could win at the next polls, he should think again. His habitual impasse when being spoken to or advised would play against him this time around. The country is starting to wake up. It is not business as usual.

Following in his footsteps, his northern brother who many people think is his main challenger in the forthcoming elections also refused to participate citing the former's absence as a reason despite arriving the venue. Methinks he also was intimidated by the much younger and much more visionary presidential candidates. So we had a situation where we didn't hear from the so called major candidates. I would have been honestly surprised if they took part in the debate when one cannot even understand what the president of the country is saying whenever he speaks and when we parade recycled thieves as would- be leaders.

To my intelligent, eloquent and able participants, thank you for honouring Nigerians and outlining your plans to move this country forward. It is well understood and appreciated. Even if I believe that together you all stand a better chance of sending the usual illiterates and thieves back to their home towns. Come what may 2019, it would never be the same again in Nigeria. A new dawn has come!


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