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Fathers' day was celebrated quite recently and many people in different quarters were extolling the virtues of fathers. Some were even complaining that we do not celebrate fathers enough. I was in church on that Sunday and the pastor went on and on about obeying fathers so that one could get the 'father's' blessing from  them whether they are connected to God or not. This erroneous teaching has permeated Christendom and is making people feel guilty for standing their ground against their fathers even when such fathers are in the wrong.

They quote the bible and say that the bible says that children should obey their parents because this is the first commandment with promise of long life attached to it. They forget the next verse which says parents, do not provoke your children to wrath. A father that is not connected to God can never give you any meaningful blessing. Even if he attempts it, only demons will come out of whatever he is trying to place on you. You can only get a blessing from a father who has fulfilled his responsibilities as a father, one who can stand in the office of a prophet and release God's blessing on your life. You cannot abandon a child or children and then tell them years later that you can curse them or bless them because you are their father. A father is not just one who impregnates a woman, he is a man who is able to carry on the duties of a father till heaven's mandate for his child is established. Some fathers are working against the destiny of their children and they want to be honored. Society would even tell you that 'after all they did not abort you' so whatever they do you should just overlook. Wrong. It is not biblical. Your child did not ask to be brought into this world, as long you did bring them into this world, you owe them your love and dedication till they grow into adulthood then you can earn their loyalty. A child's love is not unconditional, it should be earned.

A good father is one who brings up his child in the fear of the lord, understands his child's inclination and encourages him to pursue God's goal for his life, he creates a conducive environment for that child and his mother and other siblings to grow up in using the most of his resources. When a father has fulfilled those requirements, then he can be honored and celebrated on fathers'day.


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