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Honestly I am weak. I don't even know where to start from. Is it the the funny arguments I've heard from some blind people justifying rape or those seeking for ways to pick holes in her story? This country is backwards and this is just a reflection of society. That's why we have bigamy and  things like that still in this society. Please how do you not believe a married mother of three coming out to say she was raped about twenty years ago? Does that sound like someone who has something to gain by coming out with this story? Do you know the statistics of rape and abuse in this country? I guess not. Many women are even among those doubting her story when many of them have been abused at one point or the other. I even heard of a so-called British trained lawyer saying her argument would not hold in court, we shall see.

I speak from experience. This is personal to me. I remember abuse as a young teenage girl riding in the bus when an old alhaji sitting beside me started touching me in personal areas, my mum was sitting behind me but I couldn't tell her because I felt ashamed. Shame got me to shut up not consent. When we eventually alighted, I tried telling her but I still couldn't look her in the eye to say the words. I was a very shy teenager. I hated periods and I hated puberty. I just couldn't bring myself to accept that my body was changing so how can you tell me that a sixteen year old cannot be raped in her house. I was also abused at the age of sixteen by a cousin that I trusted. Abuse is usually perpetrated by someone close to you that's why it's difficult to protest. The abuse also happened to me during youth service in fellowship. I was an exco in nccf and I was abused at least thrice by members of the exco handing over to us and another brother I trusted. So please tell me what is there not to believe. I was also abused in my place of work when I was 24 but then I had learnt how to handle it. I simply told the perpetrators both during youth service and when I started working never to touch me again.
Anyone doubting this story is an abuser, a rapist and an immoral person.

It's sad. Really sad that instead evoking our sympathy, what busola is getting is victimization and shaming. Some even called her a fornicator, like seriously? When are we going to change as a people? Is this the first time Biodun Fatoyinbo is accused of having sexual relations with members of his church or is it because last time it wasn't a sixteen year old?

I'm so enraged right now. The only that comes to my mind is name calling on Busola's doubters but that would not solve the problem. Justice will.

It doesn't matter how long it took for her to come out, like they say the long arm of the law will finally catch up with criminals.


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