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The new generation gospel of grace, is a gospel that nullifies righteousness and permits sin. It assumes that every lady has had an abortion(s) and that every believer is struggling with some kind of sin hence grace takes them to heaven.
It is a gospel popularized by the evangelicals from the west and adopted by the Pentecostals in Nigeria.

It is a gospel that proclaims that Christianity should be free from morals and that God is not a God of morals. The central theme of this gospel is grace, a grace that has become over emphasized. It's figurehead is Paul of the new testament and not Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is only mentioned when they claim "the finished work of Jesus on the cross". It eliminates all other portions of the bible and focuses on Paul's book of Corinthians. On the basis of this book, they draw their doctrine. The doctrine of grace.

But apostle Paul wrote over ten books of the new testament and the books of Corinthians make up just two of those books. This same Paul they quote made the famous statement that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness,Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost. All Over Paul's other books, he enjoins Christians to live a life of Holiness. In Ephesians,Philipians, the two books of Timothy and Titus. Paul encourages his readers to abstain from sin. He clearly made the statement that no Whoremonger nor unclean person ....... hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.
He also said that in the books of Timothy and Thessalonians that in the last days, men shall be perverse and that they would refuse to heed to sound doctrine, they would developing itching ears and heap unto themselves teachers who would tell them exactly what they want to hear.

The grace preachers refuse to tell these people to repent from their sins. They only assure of them heaven and tell them the only requirement is believing in Jesus Christ. But everywhere in Scripture, whenever Jesus,Paul and the other apostles converted sinners from their sins, these sinners repented and did away with their sins, some even restituted. But today we have believing without repenting. Believers who have believed but have refused to repent from their sins.This technically makes them no different from when they were unbelievers.  So we have a lot of unbelievers in church who believe that they are going to heaven encouraged by preachers who refuse to preach repentance and the power that overcomes sin. This has made the gospel of no effect to the unbelieving world, making no difference between the  believers and unbelievers.

What the world needs is salvation. The message of salvation that brings repentance, remorse and the putting away of sins. We cannot save people from Corruption in government, gross immorality and Satanic deviations by preaching a message of grace. We need people who would be convicted by the Holy Spirit through the gospel to do away with their sins and there would be a change in their lives and in the lives connected to them and society in general. And that my dear is not the message we hear from the grace preachers.
Thank You.
(1COR 6 vs 1-end, EPH 5 vs 5, 1 THESS 4 vs 7,2nd TIM 3 vs 1 -end, 2nd TIM 2 vs 19, Titus 2 vs 11-13)


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