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You know the popular saying....God told prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute and so we have witnessed marriages to women who previously would be termed loose.
The men marry them because they say these women are good in bed and that to them sex is the most important thing in a marriage. And many girls are advised to be freaks in the sheet to get a husband. Someone called it Nigerian men and the whore mentality. Stating that the reason some girls were not married is because they are good girls. And that men preferred bad girls.

But he is not far from the truth. World over men are preferring women with prior experience with sex. In fact sexual experience is a prerequisite for getting married these days. The boobs exposing slayer or the porn actress is now bae.
Lets examine it, if sex is the most important thing in marriage, what of parenting and raising the next generation? Mother is god in Africa because her children are always reminded of the sacrifices she made for them and the effort she put in making her home and in raising her children. Father is revered because no one would forget his disciplinary role and his hard work when it comes to providing for his family, his stance on political issues and in being the current affairs teacher of his family amongst other things.
Fast forward to the 21st century, all men want to do is have sex and hot sex everyday. And if that means marrying whomsoever would provide the sex, he is okay with that. Forgetting that the core responsibility he owes his children is to bring them up in the fear of the lord. You are the first teacher of your children. How do you intend to set an example for your children when you married a prostitute? How do you tell them that you married their mother because she is good in bed? Or that she stole you from your first wife? That you have kids with another woman whom you were once married to?
The church is not helping issues. A new trend of new generation gospel of grace has set the church back from being the final institution of morality in society. Grace they preach. Before you preach grace, ask the person you are preaching to if he is repented, if he knows that there is something called right and wrong. Ask him his philosophy of life and if he has ever heard of anything called principles? They'd be surprised to get the answer. So the church encourages them. They license all form of immorality and call it grace. They then confuse the whole world with a shallow gospel no one understands like yes it was personally revealed to them.
What happens if life happens? If you are diagnosed with aneurysm or a kidney related disease, would sex still be the uppermost thing on your mind? Wouldn't you want a partner who can stay with you through thick and thin? A partner who can share your burdens and who would stand by you through rough and tough times? A partner whose wisdom and courage will shield you from the storms of life? How would a lewd woman compare then with a woman of virtue?
If your father married a prostitute, who would have nurtured you and raised you?
Some of them say their fathers generation has failed them and maybe so but even the polygamists in their fathers generation would never forget the wife of his youth and he stills respects her above all those women he philanders with. I am also sure their fathers wanted them to live a better life.
Don't get me wrong, not all decent girls/women have perfect marriages. Men have failed in the past and women even cheat nowadays but what we need to do is teach our men to be faithful and respect vows and not to encourage our young girls to go haywire. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Lust can become love. When sex is involved, souls bind. So I am not moved by the men saying they love such women. Makes no sense to me. If you love someone, you would expect the best from that person. Where faults are too thick, love is thin. I don't know about you but I'd rather that a man loves me because of my good qualities such as my character and my intelligence than because of my prowess in bed.


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