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To the NDA and all south southern militant groups; we acknowledge all your grievances and how unjustly you and your environment have been treated. You say you are the golden goose that lays the golden egg for Nigeria and you have been neglected and unfairly treated by the Nigerian government and people. Your environment has been laid waste and their is total lack of care for your people and your challenges.

We deeply apologize for this neglect and total lack of care but are you aware that your state government and governors receive a huge amount in state allocations?  Have you forgotten that your governors like James Ibori, Diepriye Alameisegha and the likes all laundered and squandered your money and then you turn around and blame the federal government for the lack of development in your states when you should hold your governors accountable.
All the states where you can see development do not recieve a bigger share from government, they put theirs into good use.
We want the oil companies to clean up your environment of course and thank God that will be done.


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