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We often look to the private sector for things like efficiency, ethics and effectiveness as opposed to the government domain. 
We also introduce regulations as a means to monitor and provide guidelines for the operations of private businesses.

However it is disappointing to note that businesses have proven time and after again that the means of monitoring by regulation is a necessity.

Multinationals, companies who make profit in billions of dollars cannot provide service or sell their products without the manipulation of the purses of their customers.
Many businesses out of what I do not know what to name it force their consumers to patronize their products even when the customer clearly does not need it thereby extorting money the customer did not willingly pay in the first place, just to make profit.
Companies involved in these kind of practices include Telecommnications and the Banking sectors. A notorious company whose name I won't mention forces caller tunes on customers claiming the customers subscribed for the tunes. And there are banks who debit customers accounts in shady dealings. Others help politicians involved in Money Laundering.

Businesses and Business leaders have to remember that one of the cardinal rules of ethics in business is Integrity. Many of them are already making enough money without extorting more from customers.


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