Almost anybody can relate with this; especially those marrying for sex. To them sex is marriage and marriage is sex and the prospect of marrying a great sexual partner beats the idea that apart from sex there are other qualities you look out for in a partner. So they proceed to make a life-long commitment on the basis of sex. And when life disappoints them they soon find out that sex was never enough.
Our parents learnt on each other and they are still learning. For the youths of today it is no more fashionable to wait until after marriage. They prefer sampling and tasting or doing their own learning before the d-day.
The acrobatics you want to be performed on you in bed can blind your eyes to the fact that marriage also involves a spiritual partner and most times a co-parent.
And decency permits you to see sex as a sacred union and your partner as your partner in that sacredness.
Now most couples watch pornography before sex and they bear children. What sort of children do you think they are bringing forth?
Your guess is as good as mine; children who are as ugly as the act that produced them.
Your guess is as good as mine; children who are as ugly as the act that produced them.
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