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The Voice Nigeria was just concluded and a winner emerged and so it is with many reality TV shows but my grouse is if the winners of these reality TV shows are really the best from the competitions.

Many times the unexpected happens and a mediocre winner emerges. A winner most truthful people would vouch did not deserve to win. Are we really letting the best win?
Or are we going with whatever is popular as at the time voting is taking place. Are we going with whatever the majority believes at that point and ignoring truth which is "Is she the best?"
Society is decadent and permit me to say their sense of logic and judgment is blurred. It's only in politics that one can really get truthful and insightful analysis from the majority because everyone including good men are speaking.
People who have no sense of wrong and right can hardly determine a winner based on merit in a competition but then it's not like it's an academic competition anyway so what does it really matter.
The people who regulate and are involved in singing competitions should put on their thinking caps in choosing a winner if not for anything then let it be for the sake of posterity. The criteria for choosing a winner should be potential and strength of cumulative performances.They should make sure the best wins.


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