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Its a sexual arousal resulting from observing an unsuspecting person who is naked or engaged in sexual activity. The person who has this psychological disorder is not often distressed by it.
Examples are men/young boys who leer at ladies while they dress up or try to find any opportunity to go into a room where ladies are sleeping or going to take a bath,or enjoy staring at the lingerie of women when washed.

Ways in which voyeurism can be curbed.
1. Children from ages 4 should leave the room while adults dress.

2. Properly educate children on sex.

3. Do not avoid questions about the male and female body parts.

4. Install parental guide on the cables you watch.

5. Avoid a lot of public display of affection in front of children,till they are old enough to understand. This is because children practice role playing - which is doing as seen.

6. Do not leave young children with men or women who like being touched and see no problem with it.  It leaves the child in state of shock and exposure to illicit sexual acts.

This is sexual arousal developed from touching a non consenting person. This occurs usually in a crowded mall, bus, or market place. 

For example, it is very important to be cautious about men who like to stand too close to women while window shopping at malls. They could be thieves or a Frotteur.

They get easily offended when confronted and begin to harass you either verbally or physically. A normal minded person wouldn't. A normal minded person, would apologize and move away.

It is also very important to be cautious about those men who start moving about, when you alight a bus. They begin to fidget their bags, or move to take money or phones from the bag.  All the while watching where the targeted body parts are.  When you are elbowed, it was no mistake, it was totally intentional. 

As you have already announced your bus stop, a normal person, that's on your seat line, is to halt all activities so you can get down. A normal person would be worried about losing an item.

The Frotteur would be concerned about sexually harassing you at all costs. Most ladies would be aware of this but do not say a word lest of embarrassment.
Ways to curb a Frotteur.

1. In a crowded place, move away from a man standing too close to you. If he refuses, alert the security.
2. Secure your belongings properly.
3. Be cautious of the man  you meet everywhere  you go at the mall, you may be followed.
4. Firmly let the man in the bus that he is blocking your way from alighting a bus.
Happy week ahead!


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