At one extreme : A young woman had serious sexual difficulties. Whenever she was having sex with her husband, a picture of her father would flash to her mind. For this reason she was considered sexually incapacitated. At teen, she had been raped by her father at her intervals not out of reach from her mother.
When she told her mother, she would regards her daughters complaints as nonsense.
All aspects of this experience was traumatic : the rape, her mother's indifference. She trusted no one and the emotional consequences caused her low self-esteem and anxiety.
At other extremes are many cases of cousins. These so called relatives are often creepily happy, making sure that they are well liked. When visiting, the topics of discussion are often about sex. They enjoy hugging, standing too close to the female all the while, pretending to be in a serious discussion while touching the arms, shoulders or anywhere they intend to send inappropriate signals, effectively.
At other extremes are many cases of cousins. These so called relatives are often creepily happy, making sure that they are well liked. When visiting, the topics of discussion are often about sex. They enjoy hugging, standing too close to the female all the while, pretending to be in a serious discussion while touching the arms, shoulders or anywhere they intend to send inappropriate signals, effectively.
These incestuous behaviors are not only left to males, the females are also inclusive.
Females who undress in front of young boys and girls, touch the breast and butt of girls, kiss the child on the lips as show of affections are often lesbian in disguise. They do get married but the exhibit pedophile without the knowledge of the child's parent.
Females who undress in front of young boys and girls, touch the breast and butt of girls, kiss the child on the lips as show of affections are often lesbian in disguise. They do get married but the exhibit pedophile without the knowledge of the child's parent.
If the aunts action seems innocent, it sure isn't for the child, because he/she is being sexually exposed by arousal. This could pose a danger while the victim plays with other peers.
How to know when incest is about occurring :
1. When a particular teen is being asked after repeatedly by the relative.
1. When a particular teen is being asked after repeatedly by the relative.
2. When the physique of the teen is being complimented by female or male relative often.
3. When the teen feels a stare on her body when she gets up or moves out and it gives a chill of insecurity.
4. When the incestuous relative does not feel it wrong to rest his or her hand on the butt of shoulder of the teen, despite the distress of the child.
5. When the relative repeatedly demands the teen visit his or her house without parental knowledge.
6. When other siblings are not given the same affection as the targeted sibling.
Nipping Incest in the bud
1. Parents should listen to their teens when they mention situations that were scary to them.
1. Parents should listen to their teens when they mention situations that were scary to them.
2. They should not assume all that occurred with the child was child play.
3. They should avoid feeling hurt about any complaints from the child about the relative and examine the relative.
4. They should seek permission from the child when a relative is staying over before invite.
It gives the teen room to ascertain their mood towards that person. The saying that "if something does not feel right, it probably isn't", applies strongly to this circumstances.
5. Parents should stop focusing on how well behaved her teens are around relatives and start studying the effects of the relatives behavior on their teens before it's too late.
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