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In historical times, before a girl was given out in marriage, she was usually courted by her suitor.
During the courtship, the suitor made his intentions known to the girl's family and was given permission by her parents. In the process of courtship,  the intending couples were usually assigned a chaperone who would accompany them whenever they were together and wherever they go together. The intending couple were not allowed carnal knowledge of each other thanks to their chaperone and the ever watchful eyes of their guardians.

Fast forward to the 21st century, all manner of things have evolved. Sex has developed from the normal and natural way to different abominable things termed sex. It is not unusual to hear things like oral sex, weird positions during sex, prostitute turned wife(prophet Hosea's gomer) and the latest threesomes and foursomes. I just got a news piece now that american celebrity amber rose was involved in a threesome. The people who are involved in these things are not ashamed. They openly broadcast what they are doing and tell you not to shame them. The funny thing is they feel that they are being judged when told to desist from these acts. They quote the bible and tell you to love them. But that you love someone doesn't mean you shouldn't tell them the truth and try to get them to repent from their ways.

We must be very careful what we are learning from the bible. The bible was written for reproof and for correction and not for us to copy the sinful lifestyles of the people Jesus came to save. If the only thing we get from reading the bible is how to continue in sin then there is something wrong for Jesus did not come to institutionalize sin.

This same amber rose was the one who said she has lost count of the number of men she has slept with. Such people need help not emulation and celebration. They therefore should not be called celebrities. The problem of the world is sex. It has destroyed many great men and ruined destinies. Remember Samson and Bill Clinton. Never had the the world had it this bad. Many people need to be rehabilitated for sexual addictions and not selling their stories on social media.


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