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Today I just want to be free, free to be myself and free to be myself aloud. By this I mean in the presence of other people. I would like to be free to share my thoughts, to express my views and to love myself. I would like to be free to praise myself, my achievements and accomplishments. To raise hope and faith in my desire to succeed at tomorrow’s goals.

Today I want to be free to be in love, to love myself, to talk about things that matter to me, to be in sync with my true self, the one that believes in truth, in faith, in righteousness and in justice. I want to be free to see, to look around and see, not see how I used to see; through the eyes of other people, but see the way I want things to be seen, to see through my beliefs and my opinions founded on principles, justice and fairness. Today I want to be me ,I don’t want to pretend to be someone else, I don’t want to be who I am expected to be, I want to be free to be me.

Today I want to laugh, I want to laugh at all the things that I have heard, from various people, some ignorant, others not, I want to laugh at all the things that have happened to me, the past and now, all the things I’ve been through. I want to laugh in hope of my calling and my destination in life; I want to also laugh at the contrast between the two; my past and tomorrow.

Today I want to call, I want to call, out to different people, people who value the same things that I value too, people who are ready to defend these values, people who are not afraid of being themselves, people who look up to God, people who live in hope, who walk in truth and who are not afraid of doing so, people who know no fear, who believe in peace, people who know the rules, who fight to live and fight to finish, people who are born anew and born to win.

Today I want to be free, free to breathe, free from worries, free to think; today I want to be free, free to meet free people.


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