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Society is an ecosystem. Everyone cannot be doing the same thing.

Having said that, I will go ahead to say this; personal wellness can be defined as;

a choice- a decision you make to move toward optimal health.

a way of life - a lifestyle you design to achieve your highest potential for wellbeing.

a balanced channeling of energy - energy received from the environment, transformed within you, and returned to affect the world around you.

In short, wellness is basically taking care of yourself.

People who live below a $ a day cannot continue to live in a city setting up shanties at every corner, polluting the environment and constituting a nuisance and danger to the public health of the people who they live around.
If people can be more productive and more useful in a different environment, why should they force themselves to continue to live in a city or society where their impact is not felt.
Walk around Lagos and you would see the dirtiness and squalor stemming from the activities of people desperate to live in a city already saturated with people whose infrastructure cannot cater for them.
People go as far as passing human waste on roads and in drainages and other people live in this environment. You can imagine the health implication.

The states where most of these people are migrating from are  built to cater for its population  and people. Other people live in good conditions in these places setting up legitimate businesses and earning a living from there. So why the desperation to flee to Lagos?

Nigeria's gross domestic product would be positively impacted if these people struggling in Lagos find themselves economically engaged in environments that are designed to accommodate them and whose economic fortunes they can in turn positively impact.


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