When Chinua Achebe, the legendary novelist wrote his work on the “The Trouble with Nigeria”, he clearly held that there was nothing wrong with our land or climate or water or air or anything else but the unwillingness of our leaders to rise to responsibility which is the hallmark of true leadership. Nevertheless, in a bid to sound patriotic, a lot of us have erroneously maintained that Nigeria is a great nation; yes, Nigeria is potentially a great nation. However, it is important to tell ourselves the truth. Nigeria is not a great nation from the true sense of the word, it is one of the most corrupt, noisy, insensitive and disorderly nation in the world. It is no doubt one of the most primitive and unpleasant places on earth. If you like, let me be unpatriotic for once, but again what is patriotism and who is a patriot? He is one who cares deeply about the happiness and well-being of his country and its entire people. A true patriot will always demand the highest standards ...